Training and Workshops

Training Offered By C.A.R.S           

  • Mindfulness 
  • Stress Management
  • Dealing with Difficult Customers/ Coworkers/People (Based on settting)
  • Burnout Prevention/Resiliency  
  • Skills to Manage Anxiety 
  • Civility 
  • Emotional Intelligence 
  • Coping Skills When Someone You Love Is Misusing Drugs or Alcohol 
  • Coping Skills When Parenting an Adolescence or Young Adult Using Drugs or Alcohol
  • Vicarious Trauma in the Workplace 
  • Understanding PTSD in the Workplace 
  • Manager Orientation to CARS Services/Managing Challenging Employees 
  • CARS Orientation 
  • Grief in the Holiday Season Workshop

















Please call or email CARS to request training.  Please include the following:
  • contact name and email address
  • the name of the Department,
  • the name of the training requested or the subject area of the training you want
  • the proposed date(s) of the training(s) and any other relevant information.  


We request that all training requested have at least six participants.  All training materials will be provided to participants and there is no charge for training.  CARS can develop training specific to your department's needs, at your request.

Training is conducted in person or through the Zoom platform.  In-person training can be held at the location of your choice or in the Classrooms at the UNM Perovich Business Center.


 For additional training resources at UNM, please visit the Employee and Organizational Development (EOD) web site here.


CARS is a free and confidential service for all benefits-eligible UNM and UNM Health Sciences faculty, staff, their domestic partners and retirees. 

Weekdays 8 AM to 5 PM

Physical Address
1800 Mesa Vista Road NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106

Mailing Address
MSC02 1770
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-001

Phone: (505) 272-6868 
Fax: (505) 272-6880
Email: (No confidential information, please)

Google Map and directions